
Join the Network
A secure, robust network for participating healthcare facilities.
School Telehealth Program
School-based Telehealth Program
Improving access to care and the overall health of students in Utah.
Utah Telehealth Legislation
Utah Telehealth Legislation
Information on telehealth-related Utah state legislation.
Northwest Regional Telehealth Resource Center
Northwest Regional Telehealth Resource Center
Learn more about NRTRC resources and training.


UETN Board Elects New Chair and Vice Chair

The Utah Education and Telehealth Network Governing Board is pleased to announce the election of Christina Baum-Denise as Chair and Jason Strate as Vice Chair.

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ATA Telehealth Awareness Week Events

Highlighting the Value of Virtual Care - During the week, the ATA invites telehealth solution providers, hospital systems and medical practices, patient advocacy leaders, policymakers, and other stakeholders to highlight the need to establish an omnichannel care model that includes in-person and virtual care.

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Telehealth Access Points
Utah Telehealth Network is part of the Utah Education and Telehealth Network
UETN does not endorse and is not responsible for content on external websites linked from this page.
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